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snippet: Projected sea level rise inundation polygons for MHHW with 1ft of sea level rise. WGS84 - geographic
summary: Projected sea level rise inundation polygons for MHHW with 1ft of sea level rise. WGS84 - geographic
extent: [[-71.909700766,41.146686657],[-71.102117849,41.876684138]]
accessInformation: URI EDC, RIGIS; Shoreline Change SAMP Team, URI Graduate School of Oceanography; FEMA; NOAA; RI Coastal Resources management Council; URI Coastal Resources Center; URI EDC; URI Ocean Engineering; US Army Corps of Engineers
thumbnail: thumbnail/thumbnail.png
typeKeywords: ["Data","Service","Map Service","ArcGIS Server"]
description: The North Atlantic Comprehensive Study (NACCS) performed simulations of 1050 synthetic tropical storms using a fully coupled ADCIRC/WAM/STWAVE with a very high resolution grid primarily covering the Mid Atlantic study area (Cialone, 2015). Simulations were performed for surge only and surge plus tidal cases, with predictions being saved at 18,000 grid locations; 1000 in RI. Return period analyses were performed by USACE for each save point and the predicted water level values at the mean, upper and lower 95% confidence intervals were provided. In the present effort, data from the NACCS RI save points were analysed and spatially scaled to develop a series of projected flood inundation surfaces to visualize multiple storm return periods and sea level rise scenarios. Mean projections were used for events with a return period of 10 years or less, while the upper 95% confidence interval (CI) values were applied to events with return periods 25 years and greater to provide an extra measure of protection. These NACCS-derived flood surfaces show projected water levels that include both storm surge and tidal effects and correct major deficiencies with the widely used bath tub models.
title: Inundation_Polys_MHHW_slr1
type: Map Service
tags: ["PLAN","RIGIS","RI","Rhode Island","SLR","sea level rise","inundation","nuisance event","major event","historic event","hurriane of 1938","hurricane carol","hurricane bob","superstorm sandy","USACE","STORMTOOLS"]
culture: en-US
name: Inundation_Polys_MHHW_slr1
guid: A5EE1491-F46C-4A31-891B-6972ECE30A2D
spatialReference: GCS_WGS_1984